I bought this game only because the anime and the manga are both my number one favorite. I was surprised to find out that the game actually isn't bad at all.

The game is more or less a "Mortal Combat" type game only you are not restricted to a forward and backward motion. You can completely circle your opponent and unleash attacks from any direction. For fans of the anime/manga you will enjoy this game because it has most of the best playable characters. Each character also has their original voices (only if you watch the anime English Dubbed). The game is fun because you can choose your favorite character and experiment with his or her special moves, abilities and even weaknesses. For instance Byakuya (my favorite character) is an extremely fast character that for one of his moves can use his flash step to almost appear as though he teleported behind the enemy and slash him. Not only is he fast but his special moves are strong but his weakness is that it takes time to attack. The game also has extras where you can buy (with experience from story mode and arcade mode) 3D models of each character (including characters Bankai), music from the game, different costumes for characters and more.

Overall the game was great, especially since I am already a fan. For those who do not know what Bleach is, the game would probably still be fun although you would not understand any of the references in the game and would not understand some of the Japanese context (could probably get annoying). I recommend at least a rent if you are a fan of the anime/manga and like fighting type games. I would give this game an 8 out of 10.