Right so this is the last game for Ezio, the final adventure takes place in Istanbul or Constantinople if you're an Ottoman... semantics... Anyway Ezio has only gotten better with age his moves have gotten deadlier and his moves sharper thanks to his new hook blade which grants new freedom while traveling the spanning architectural. The new assassins need to be rebuilt Brotherhood style, which is an ok mechanic which can spare you the terrible tower defense minigame... I really hate tower defense, it's a thorn in my side. It has a fairly long story tying together Altair, Ezio, and Desmond. The point was to close any gaps so 3 can be it's on focus granted with hindsight seeing as how I'm writing this now I'm glad they narrowed the story. Still the closer to story was both touching, granted the Embers movie cranked it even higher. Desmond will get his own personal hell as he's in a coma trying to 100% Ezio and chat up subject 16's ghost, it flips between Ezio in main game, Altair in the memory keys, and Desmond on the island. Last thing I'll comment on is the combat it's fluid and devastating, rolling over enemies to strike them in the back or hit them with bombs... Right the bombs... Fun (used loosely, mind you) only the shrapnel bomb or the poison bombs do anything and why you'd use blood, money, or flash is pointless cause 95% of the time you'll just go into battle anyway.

7.5 of 10

The Lost Archive DLC

The 1st person mode from Desmond's secret areas return letting you play as Clay, aka Subject 16, as you find out what happened to him as his mind was probed by Abstergo for information, you play through several memories upon reaching the end though... you start again, it's a loop that led to his madness, untold how many times he went through that hell before breaking the loop. As we know now his physical body long since died while he was looping so he is a fragmented personality like when you meet him in the main game. It's 1st person puzzles... If you like portal go for it, if not well you gave yourself an answer
3 of 5