Hot damn a new Emblem, Right time to put on my serious shipping face! This is a dating sim with killing... lots of killing... So lets start with the plot, this is fan fic city all 13 games mash up in what is my perfect wet dream... But enough about my small clothes, It has a personal unit, the Avatar, (No bending sorry fan boys) You wake up in a field with no memory, Chrom finds your avatar and so begins your journey as a pawn in a cosmic game of who screws up the time worse... As you play the game your units will get paired with one of the ladies or men (depending on your gender you get married), Kid! Kids everywhere! Your job is to save the future from ruin by taking the children and destroying anyone who tries to resurrect Grima... however time tries to fix itself in the form of a Doctor who style timeywhimy ball being beat over your head But enough bout the story lets talk gameplay!

It's turnbased with 3d and 1st person options in battle... Ok 1st person turnbased combat, bare with me it's more interesting than it sounds, the 3 camera angles make watching a slaughter much more interesting and the detail on some of the characters are astounding. The classes all branch now granting a wide range of skills and replayabitiy. Anyone at lv 10 can be classed up or reclassed into whatever unit you need. The conversation system is all over the pace from crowing moment of awesome to just damn crowing moment of funny... Even heart warming conversations between lovers or parent and child can pluck at anyone's heart strings.

Lets talk about another important step forward for Nintendo, DLC! yep DLC on a Nintendo system... Every Thursday new spotpass (It's free dlc, new units, paraloges, items, and vs challenges) and paid dlc that is sold as separate maps $2.50 or full packs $6.00, the maps provide skills, special versions with epic artwork of the spotpass characters, and funny conversations between the annals of Fire Emblem history

9 of 10 Now give me hot spring and beach dlc please!