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Thread: Are PSP shooters really worth it?

  1. #1
    Are PSP shooters really worth it?

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    Are PSP shooters really worth it?

    I mean, come on. Theres really no trigger. L and R don't count because you don't fire with them. In my opinion, shooters should be played on consoles with controllers. Even PC, never mind.

    Your thoughts?

  2. #2
    Are PSP shooters really worth it?

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    Re: Are PSP shooters really worth it?

    how cant the be considered.Shooters where invented for PC.If you check them out,7/10 will be a shooter.and you dont need the L AND R trigger to fire e.e

  3. #3

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    Re: Are PSP shooters really worth it?

    I hate shooters on the PSP, for me, I can't play well unless there are 2 analog sticks (one to look around/aim and another to move the character). I hate the press R to aim and X to fire.

  4. #4
    Are PSP shooters really worth it?

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    Re: Are PSP shooters really worth it?

    i agree with Sneaky , unless it has two sticks its not worth it on consoles and on the PC i can play basically any game without any problems

  5. #5
    Are PSP shooters really worth it?

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    Re: Are PSP shooters really worth it?

    2 joysticks FTW
    a actual trigger button (like RT on 360)
    and dont even get me started on the pussy auto-aim shit, thats so damn cheap

    [Today 12:00 AM] -.Z3U5.-: Quit tryig to get me to look at your big fat ass chode spinning around in circles.

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