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Team SyKotik
all people who are associated or friends
with SyKotik-Cannon come here and
be apart of Team SyKotik.Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 07-03-2013 03:21 PM
19 member(s)Latest Discussion:
How is everyone? -
Awards Committee
Awards Committee for the forum awards
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 03-07-2010 05:28 AM
3 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
This Is The Group Of Hackers That Help Eacg Other To Transform a Ordinary PSP To A Super Duper PSP
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 01-11-2009 01:57 PM
2 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Capital Developement Team.
The Very First Dev Team On ConsoleDiscussions.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 02-01-2009 02:33 PM
3 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Graphics Design Group
Share You GFX knowledge With Others Members to Hone Your Skills in the Art of Graphic Designing. Anyone Member is Allowed to JOIN.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-01-2020 03:01 PM
32 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Galleries -
The 3lite
Only those I deem the elite will be allowed to join.
An ACTIVE user.
more then 100 posts (some exception)
Or, a good friend of mine.Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 10-01-2012 01:57 PM
9 member(s)Latest Discussion:
The 3lite -
The 1337 Poop's
Join if you are a 1337 pooper! and love me! :P
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-27-2009 09:55 PM
4 member(s)Latest Discussion:
The 1337 Poop's -
gamers for life
hey we need to beat the others groups to let them konw who are the best at everything
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 08-27-2010 08:05 PM
6 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
The organization of people who can't type
This group is for people who type very bad/misspell alot of of words*lol*
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 02-28-2010 09:14 PM
7 member(s)Latest Discussion:
I learned how to spell. -
Syphon Filter Logan's shadow hackers
Admin:Needed 100 points(my cell)
Moderator:Needed 90 points(my cell)
Normal cheater:Needed 80 points
Noob:Needed 1 point
I'm admin my points is 1.000.000 and
ELiTE HACK3R:Needed 99 Points
Points i have mod admin and elite hack3r
Go this and u win 1 point = Noob
U go next level go to points
Join!Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 03-08-2009 07:02 AM
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Syphon Filter Logan's shadow hackers
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Skilled Hackerz
Only the best Hackerz are here!
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-09-2020 02:39 PM
25 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Welcome only Skilled Hackerz -
SoCom ftb2 HaCkErS
If ur a hacker in socom ftb2, this is the group for u. Share codes with ur buddys upload your UCUMS files and feel free to request codes and have a buddy or another member help you out. All in all, have fun pwning.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-09-2020 02:39 PM
60 member(s)Latest Discussion:
SoCom ftb2 HaCkErS -
Staff of Console Discussions Inc.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-01-2020 03:01 PM
25 member(s)Latest Discussion:
New Group Logo -
Graphics Design Group
Share You GFX knowledge With Others Members to Hone Your Skills in the Art of Graphic Designing. Anyone Member is Allowed to JOIN.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 04-01-2020 03:01 PM
32 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Galleries -
I <3 angrybanana500
You will get an invite if you get the special "I <3 angrybanana500 avatar"
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 05-10-2015 03:13 AM
9 member(s)Latest Discussion:
This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Halo Club
Talk about games from the Halo series here.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 05-05-2014 06:04 PM
11 member(s) -
O.otaku G.grand K.kingdom
Our mission is to spread the advancement of the Otaku movement, open to any and all anime or manga fans.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 08-23-2013 02:33 AM
10 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Happy Anniversary OGK -
Sexy Staff
For all the sexy GFX,Mods,and Admins.
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 08-23-2013 02:27 AM
16 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Really? -
Team SyKotik
all people who are associated or friends
with SyKotik-Cannon come here and
be apart of Team SyKotik.Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 07-03-2013 03:21 PM
19 member(s)Latest Discussion:
How is everyone? -
Puro Loco Mex
Online and taking over
Category: UncategorizedLast Activity: 07-03-2013 03:21 PM
4 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Oh NOES an Army of one