This is how you should set up any of your items you are selling, trading, or asking for bids for. For those asking for bids, set a minimal price you are wanting and allow the bid to increase from there. Don't forget to tell when you are ending the bid.

Post Setup:
If the item goes to a console list the console name first then the items name, if it doesn't then just put the item name. After that list if you want selling it, wanting bids, or wanting to trade.

Put the condition of the product
If you are wanting bids, put the minimal bid requirement.
If you are wanting bids, put when you want the bid to end.

More info

Pictures go here

Post Example:
PSP Headset (Bid)

Condition: Brand new, just got it today 5/23/09
Starting Bid: 7$
End Date: 6/01/09

Just got it.