In order to activate these colors you must first disband your current clan, if you have one. Then do the "create clan" by hitting the square button. Now that you did that you must enter your desired clan name for instance Stupid Hobo you would have to do it like this _Stupid_Hobo (Dont worry the _ are removed when you activate the code. For the clan tag for now just put j.

Ok now here is where it may get a little tricky for you first timers. Open NitePR or CoderPR,(those are the only 2 programs that i know of that can do this). NOTE YOU MUST DO THIS EXACTLY AS I SAY.

1) Open NitePR/CoderPR and go over to where is says "Searcher" then with the "Find Exact Value" highlighted click X or your custom confirmation key.

2) Now go over to where you see these .... (yes i know i made those, i didnt leave anything out) which are under "Value ASCII".

3) With the cursor type thing on the first dot scroll though until you find the _ (Underscore) be careful because there is a FAT Underscore and that won't work.

4)Almost done, now mover the cursor over to the next dot and search for the exact same letter as your clan name has, like the example that i used earlier _Stupid_Hobos (Yes i know there is not enough dots for the FULL name so do 3 at a time the Underscore is to never be removed) If you only want the Two words colored Like STUPID being one color and HOBO being another color. Then you simply must do the next step.

5) Really Close to being done, When you search for it it should pot up saying it found a match. Highlight and select the match.

6) Move the little cursor over to where is says "Value.Hex". The last 2 characters (Meaning Letter and Number) need to be change to one of the color codes that the guy listed above. Then hit X.

7) Now hit the back button. Note that you have to repeat all of these steps for the second Word.

8) Now you can go back the the menu "Cheater" in NitePR/CoderPR and enable Cheat1 and Cheat 2 or whatever you saved it as.

There you go hoped this help. SORRY FOR BAD GRAMAR!!