ok so i use nitepr K stable. I recently aquired all the safe codes from a post here, but i havent used them yet because im downloading FF7 to my psp again. Before i got the safe codes (which i havent tried) i got my main account (i think) banned. I was lookin at my clan in infrastrusture when my game froze. I shut off my psp and now i cant login to that profile. That profile had my FF7 clan and 14 members on it. I NEED it unbanned. How can i do this? It happend yesteday at 3ish. Will i be unbanned edventually, or is there a hack or code that will get that account unbanned? (i know how to make the new accounts). Also, if/when i am unbanned, how can i not get banned again. I have like 3 kids in my clan who hack, who have never been banned, how do they do this?

All anwsers/codes are appreicated.