Here you go you cute little soldier hacker I made this blueprint for your haxing war on socom!

(cough..cough..u are a gay bitch with no life...cough..cough)

Socom Holacost Feb 27, 2009 - April 9th 2009

February 27th - Hackers declare there goal to extermiate all non-hackers.

March 3rd - In a matter of days the Hackers have taken all canadain server positons, non-hackers are have no resistance.

March 15th - Non-Hackers defend US East 3 and 4 by calling in 35 error artillery from Zipper's ordinance. Hackers retreat.

March 26th - Hackers OWN THE SHIT outta non-hackers with error 12 packet firebombs.

April 1st - Non-Hackers wipe out 1/4 of the hacking usernames with username ban proximity mines, weakening the Hackers. Hackers gain All US server Positions except for US east 1.

April 9th - Hackers release there ultimate weapon of masse socom distructions, The Atomic Freeze Nuclear Bomb, the bomb explodes with self packet changer radition, the center freeze boot explosioin insinerates the last of the Non-Hacker defence. Hackers are victorious with the capture of US East 1 and the rest of the remaining servers.

April 10th - Skyance is standing behind you with a fucking bbq knife (very large, LARGE bbq knife).

Have Fun!
