The Truth about Jwil#24 .a.k.a. NyC.xXBRONX.NyC

Well to start lied about so much shit on every site and most all socom ftb2 itself.
I didn't know wat i had to i lost my dad thursday night he passed away. i was the last person to speak to my father we laughed we talked n stuff lik tht. my father was cookin wen he said he had a headache n went to lay down. me lik an ass ignored him n stay on Consolediscussions n ftb2 not payin attention to him. he was upstairs diein while i was their pickin fights with ppl on socom.

My Apology to those i ever offended or claim i hated:
First of all i want to apologize to Tonic it was on osh wen i first meet tonic. something happened i cnt remeber wat and me n tonic went at it. tht little beef we had spread to every site i bumped into tonic on. i dnt remeber wat the fight was about but i can tell u it was probably stupid n i probably started it. so im srry for tht. Theirs to many ppl i had arugments n fighs wit tht i cnt aplogize to them all but ye im srry.

My Apology to Socom(FTB2):
I want to apologize to everyone especially non-hacker/hackers on socom. i went and banned n booted every single can on socom n wouldnt stopped even wen they begged me to stop.

My little ESEALS incident: I didnt something so disgustin in eseals tht mad everyone afraid to enter. i went into eseals banning every clan tht entered later no one enetered eseals unless they were in a locked room. the server has been empty for the past 3 weeks no awl w.e. wars cuz of me enterin rooms invisbly n bannin ppl lik a damn fool.

Truth about me not lies for once: I made statements like im a coder on socom or w.e i u havent figured out NyC.xXBRONX.NyC isnt a coder than im tellin u now im not a coder only a porter. i never made a code lied about tht to neither did i have server boot. i was juss so fast at enterin a room bootin it n movin on to do 20 more rooms. One thing i didnt lie at is bein good at computers/websites so if u need anything with those ill be glad to help

im still angry at the fact my dad passed away ye i wish i snapped out of the stupid things i were doin to a game earlier. im 18 now attendin Minnesota college was a little to mature to be actin lik this. i realize thier are 6 ppl on this site tht goes to the same college as me i pm u so u'll kno.

i will be playin socom still but imma reverse wat i did n be a socom cop lol n do good ban evil hackers tht were juss lik me im pretty sure their arent to many evil hackers tht would sit on socom 4 a fukin day n bann ppl.

wen i return to this site probably April,14th day after my dads birthday to help out instead of bein unuseful. i will port any codes for anyone includin boot codes(jals) since thts all im good at n nothin else. - Plz accept my apology to any1 i pissed off. i even apology to Johnny for somethin i did a while bac i think he rembeers n wen i return i promise to be more helpful.