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Thread: Detected cheating once message takes me back to main menu after EULA

  1. #1
    Detected cheating once message takes me back to main menu after EULA

    User Info Menu

    Detected cheating once message takes me back to main menu after EULA

    After going online and accepting the EULA a message pops up saying i have been detected cheating ONCE... and further cheating will result in ban. But after i click ok on that message it takes me back to main menu!!! WTF!!! I tried over and over again but it keeps doing it. I thought first time was a warning. wtf... and it doesent even tell me my time. is this an error or somethin? What should i do? I got all my friends on that name!!!

  2. #2
    Detected cheating once message takes me back to main menu after EULA

    User Info Menu

    Re: Detected cheating once message takes me back to main menu after EULA

    This happened to me as well. I think it means a player banned you, not the server. Just decline the agreement, make a new name, and corrupt psid before accepting and you will be able to play again.

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