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Thread: hello

  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    Question hello

    Can anyone make me a cool animation....or a funy one?

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: hello

    I didn't make it but heres funny one.
    þ{*2}{*1}Kirby {*2}Dance CREW!!!!
    {*1}<( '' )> <( '' )> <( '' )>
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<(''<) <(''<) <(''<)
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<( '' )> <( '' )> <( '' )>
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<(''<) <(''<) <(''<)
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<( '' )> <( '' )> <( '' )>
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<(''<) <(''<) <(''<)
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<( '' )> <( '' )> <( '' )>
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<(''<) <(''<) <(''<)
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<( '' )> <( '' )> <( '' )>
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*1}<(''<) <(''<) <(''<)
    {*1}(>'')> (>'')> (>'')>
    {*2}KIRBY{*1} DANCE{*2}CREW!!!

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    Re: hello

    Hang on let me see if I can find one.

    ----Added 28/3/2009 at 5:49 PM----
    Here is a few:
    Try this
    These are old but still good


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