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Thread: Noob's Go bye bye

  1. #1
    Noob's Go bye bye

    User Info Menu

    Talking Noob's Go bye bye

    please test this made it and jokerd it
    #Noob's go byebye
    ;hz 46/1000
    ;Jokered to start
    0x0000004C 0x0a3f3800
    0x007CE000 0x3c0809a8
    0x007CE004 0x8508e1e4
    0x007CE008 0x34090008
    0x007CE00C 0x3c0a0127
    0x007CF010 0x3c0b08fd
    0x007CE014 0x354aE1E4
    0x007CE018 0x15090005
    0x007CE020 0x8d6ce100
    0x007CE024 0xad4c0000
    0x007CE028 0x0a3f380e
    0x007CE030 0x8d6de104
    0x007CE034 0xad4d0000
    0x007CE038 0x03E00008
    0x007CE100 0x0fe1a0e
    0x007CE104 0xe0a1f4
    idk if it works telll me
    What it i suposed to do
    in lobby it's supposed to make you level lobby then server then online
    give it to a noob and rename it tell it's a boot code it is no 35 and dosnt ban

  2. #2
    Lime in the Chat Box

    User Info Menu

    Re: Noob's Go bye bye

    I can see why you made it, but after the first 2 times hes gonna figure out whats going on.
    Rep me up+ if I help or you just think im a cool guy.:)

  3. #3
    Noob's Go bye bye

    User Info Menu

    Re: Noob's Go bye bye

    o well test it plz

  4. #4
    Noob's Go bye bye

    User Info Menu

    Re: Noob's Go bye bye

    lol you might aswell just keep booting him there is a prx that kinda has the same effect (stops noobs from hacking) it disables there other prx's like nite pr backon ice but i guess i cant give this code to anyone cause all the people i know are all antihacks and would be fair

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