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Thread: Are you a noob? This should help you.

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    Are you a noob? This should help you.

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    Are you a noob? This should help you.

    How to avoid being called a NOOB.

    1. Recognize the different meanings and variations behind the word "noob":
      • noob /n00b – an annoying player (i.e. a beggar, whiner). This does not necessarily refer to a new player, but they often go hand-in-hand.
      • newbie – A new player. This is as non-insulting as it gets.
      • newb – Abbreviation of "newbie", but often confused with "Noob". If you are not trying to be insulting, stick with "newbie" to refer to a new player.
    2. Don't chat in L33t Speak. Not only is it downright annoying to read, but also is against most gaming policy.
      • Example: "|3375|>34|< !5 4|\||\|0'/!|\|&!""l33tspeak is annoying!"
    3. Don't beg for help. In general, it makes you look pathetic. Most experienced players, who probably began with nothing and made their way up without begging for anything, won't give you anything, anyway. This is not to be confused with asking for help, in which case, most players are willing to help you out.
    4. Be patient. If you asked for help, it may take someone a while to respond. Keep in mind that other players aren't required to help you if they don't want to.
    5. Do not post questions or requests in an annoying manner. Keep punctuation to a minimum, and mind your spelling and grammar. Shouting "Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!111" won't get you very far.
    6. Use appropriate English punctuation. Despite what many may believe, it does not take much additional effort to add commas or periods to your sentences as appropriate. People will give you more credit as an individual, and will be more inclined to help you out, should you have a question.
    7. Spell correctly. Don't abbreviate or deliberately misspell words. Contrary to belief, it does not make you look any cooler to do so—it makes you look very immature. If you really want to ask for someone's help, then be respectful and take the time to type out normal English. The following are some examples of overused abbreviations:
      • "please" → "plz"
      • "people" → "pplz"
    8. Do not spam. In online gaming, spamming refers to the act of repeating something over and over again, as in copying and pasting "I need help!!" several many times.
    9. Do not post garbage. This would include keyboard gibberish ("dsagterhgr,bds), or general nonsense ("yo yo yo wut upz my gangstas"). More likely than not, you will be quickly ignored by most users.
    10. Use an appropriate, original username/character name. Don't create a childish l33tspeak username such as "Ipwnzorzuall". Similarly, don't choose a name that is a misspelled playoff of other well-known names, such as "Legalass", "Murlin", or "Gandolff". Additionally, one may want to avoid using "Xx xX" around your username, or commonly used words such as "azn" and "freak." Try to create a name unique to you, one that preferably doesn't have numbers "Bob15546". If you are a famous person one day, you want to be named as PheonixDragon, not phenix1588drag4slashrandomblarg.
    11. Don't impersonate well-known players. It's not original, and chances are, there are countless other players that have done the same before you. EXAMPLE: ALL YOUR IMMORTAL NOOBS TRYING TO COPY IMMORTAL-LEADER I constantly see clans that are nammed ImmortaL or something stupid like that. Then when you try out they ask you to change your name to Immortal-(whateveryouwant). I consider them ALL noobs.
    12. Do not flame. Flaming is the act of verbally attacking another person. Never flame someone just because you lost a battle, or something similar. Accept your loss and move on, even if the player did something that you disagree with. If you bypass the chat filter(use numbers or symbols in replace of words to offend someone or use offensive language) you WILL get muted, or even banned!
    13. Do not tell others to break the rules. This is very important to any other players. Don't trick a newbie to break the rules so you can report him and make yourself look good, because just because you might look better in a moderators eyes, your fellow players will have no respect for you at all.
    14. Do not call another player a noob. This really gets on my nerves; I've encountered this thousands of times while playing online. A new player that has nothing begs for something then once I tell him to work for it he gets mad and starts flaming and calling me a noob. This gets very annoying and only proves the fact that you are a noob. Do not call people who are higher level than you a noob. That just gets on their nerves, and the can obviously beat you in the game.
    15. Don't copy another players team. This is only for online team player based strategy games, If you fight someone in a battle and they beat you with their team, don't go and change your team to theirs and start battling with it.
    16. If you face your original team, they will be annoyed and call you a "traitor" and will focus especially on killing you (mostly happens in clan wars).
    17. Don't whine. When ever you get beat in a battle or some sort of combat, Don't whine about it for example "aww man you beat me bad, that wasn't fair my computer lagged, Can i have my stuff back, come on my computer messed up, You were too good" , or even act all superior "I can pwn you any day ******" .Just take the lost and move on.
    18. Do not show off. Never act like a show off after killing an NPC. You will often be called a noob.
    19. Don't not advertise for a boy/girl friend saying "press123 for a hot beastly bf". People will call you a noob and an idiot. Anyways, what are the chances you'll meet the girl of your life ONLINE?
    A wristslap for not giving credit? I didn't think any time I posted something I had to give credit everyone knows I wouldn't waste my time writing this so obviously i didn't make it. Also.. the links go to wikipedia that are actually in the text.

    But for anyone who can't realize i wouldn't waste my time on this the credit goes to WIKIPEDIA.COM
    Last edited by Zeus; 09-23-2008 at 03:35 PM.
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

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