So you want to make a grunge signature? Well heres are some basics.

Download my favorite grunge pack:
to add go to adobe whatever photoshop version you have >>then
presets then brushes>>drag the file there, then open photoshop click on the brush in the toolbar, then at the top under FILE theres a picture of a the arrow next to it, then there will be another arrow in a circle next to that, click that then click load brushes select grunge and there you go., or go here http://www.photoshop.brushes.btinter...dbrushes.shtml to figure out how to add
Start a new 450x150 transparent document.

Load the brushes and select the second brush in the grunge3 list.

Now do Filter>>>Render>>>Clouds.

Now heres the artistic part. With this brush selected.... simply switch from black and white randomly(hit x on keyboard) and click. Until you get something similar to:

Now that the artistic part is done, its all procedure.
First... Select a render u want to use. Then simply drag and drop to the grung background u just made.

Make sure u get rid of any rendering color(the white around the character)
I recommend the Magic Wand Tool.

Now that the render is there press CTRL+SHIFT+U, to make it grayscale(all grey).

Now for some color. Go to Layers>>New Adjustment Layer>>Color Balance.

Just mess with the bars until you get a color you like.

Now click on your render layer, then click add vector mask.

12:Now get a grunge brush and make sure your foreground color is black.
Start randomly and click around the edges of the character until he is blended in like so. I used 125 px at this part

Now your pretty much done. Excpet i always add a 3PX Border and some effects or other brushes over the background.

I did not make this i simply edited it and made it better with pics.... and more.