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Man I remember the good old FTB 2 times.
It's good to see this forum is still up. Too bad it's not active anymore
Last edited by Linblow; 10-16-2018 at 04:41 PM.
Rules are HERE. They have been updated as of May 30th 2013 at 5:00 A.M.
If you see a topic that a link is broken, the information is no longer correct, the content has been patched, or a rule is being broken please use thebutton. Thanks.
Ahh i miss this forum, been trying to log in for the longest but kept putting another name in instead of this one x) Hope everyone here is doing well <3
Original U7VK7VOW7V,All others ARE FAKE!!
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KeeP It oRIgiNAL
Follow Me @KeepItOriginal
Haven't kept up much with the site since I left the gaming scene a few years ago. Surprised it's still here tbh. I get my birthday email every year tho, so it's nice to see some of the old forums still active.
Yea, I planned to revamp it to, but with lack of time and competing with larger sites like Gamespot, just not sure it's worth the time, even if I had it. I plan on keeping it up, I've seen many people reconnect with each other, and I even reconnected with Wolf715 and met him in person.
Rules are HERE. They have been updated as of May 30th 2013 at 5:00 A.M.
If you see a topic that a link is broken, the information is no longer correct, the content has been patched, or a rule is being broken please use thebutton. Thanks.
I feel it ; ) Glad to see the site is still alive - it comes to mind fairly often. The golden days were great.
I think you'd stand a good chance at revamping it... just gotta find the right niche... FTB hax won't do it these days. Perhaps a centralized hub for current gen mods/etc? Something those sites leave off.
Last edited by BlackVenom; 10-19-2019 at 11:40 PM.
Facts. Miss, Ftb,Ftb2. Miss the sense of community. But like all things we grow and things change and people come and go.
I feel like honestly we should use the name of the site as the niche. To my knowledge there is no one site that does reviews on consoles and discusses pros and cons; when we were younger we would all get in to fights on this forum about console vs console. Gun vs Gun. Well as I aged I have learned. Everything has it's own positive and negative and you can always have them all in the long run.
So why not like restructure the site to show all aspects of every current console on the market. Kinda how the xda forums are to android phones.
You have my full support Johnny, I check back on this site nearly ever year to see if anything incredible has happened (revival, etc). I'd love to see CD come back in a very big way, I'd be glad to assist in ways that I'm able as well.
Last edited by CRisPyy; 10-16-2021 at 02:47 PM.