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Thread: Fallout 3 Companions

  1. #11
    Fallout 3 Companions

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Poptart View Post
    Yea i highly doubt it though cause HE'S got pecs and has a really deep, groggy man voice that does not resemble a woman at all.
    SO does a "chick" after she's injected with alot of steroids.
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    Rep :<Current>(230) + <Previous>(207)= <Total>(437)
    AdamAndersen aka Pink Floyd
    [12-03, 18:47] taking it in the ass IS...
    [12-03, 18:47] giving sex to another man isn't exactly gay...
    [12-03, 18:45] ill suck your dick if you suck mine. dealio?

    Adam Andersen: I give him a hug every night after we make love.

    Rigalic Reign: I too had a sexual encounter with a female in kindergarten
    CoDeX: Don't talk about last week.

    [Today 03:56 PM] Sneaky Poptart: They haven't dropped yet?
    [Today 03:24 PM] BioHazardouz: My nuts
    [Today 01:42 PM] RageRaft: Whats up guys.

    When in doubt. Get the f*ck out!

    CoDeX is like buttsecks. Some people like him. Most think he is a pain in the ass.

  2. #12

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    But see, this HE was not injected with steroids, he is just a super mutant.

  3. #13
    Fallout 3 Companions

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    Quote Originally Posted by Sneaky Poptart View Post
    But see, this HE was not injected with steroids, he is just a super mutant.
    "He" was injected with the F.E.V. (forced evolution virus) aka steroids.
    What about Dogmeat?
    .:: DO YOUR PART - Remember to press the Report Button for posts that need moderation. ::.
    .::Forum Rules | List of Demands Part II ::.

    Rep :<Current>(230) + <Previous>(207)= <Total>(437)
    AdamAndersen aka Pink Floyd
    [12-03, 18:47] taking it in the ass IS...
    [12-03, 18:47] giving sex to another man isn't exactly gay...
    [12-03, 18:45] ill suck your dick if you suck mine. dealio?

    Adam Andersen: I give him a hug every night after we make love.

    Rigalic Reign: I too had a sexual encounter with a female in kindergarten
    CoDeX: Don't talk about last week.

    [Today 03:56 PM] Sneaky Poptart: They haven't dropped yet?
    [Today 03:24 PM] BioHazardouz: My nuts
    [Today 01:42 PM] RageRaft: Whats up guys.

    When in doubt. Get the f*ck out!

    CoDeX is like buttsecks. Some people like him. Most think he is a pain in the ass.

  4. #14
    Final Judgement

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    Fawkes is a victom of the FEV it turns people infected into a monogender body style. Fawkes is a "it" call it what u want. Still the best ally person to have after he gets his gatling gun. I never found it in his inventory, wierd.

    The O.G.K. wants you! Fans of anime and manga unite. February 17, 2011 is Eternal Negi Fever Day! Sethrigal VI Reign commands you to celebrate that day!

  5. #15

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    But the F.E.V does not change gender, therefor if he was a woman, he would not have pecs, nor a manly voice. Steroids does change breast size but does not affect voice that greatly (it would deepen but not that drastically). Even if Fawkes was a girl, I would still pretend that he was a guy cause that would be awkward to walk around with a green woman, who is taking F.E.V or steroids and is carrying a gatling laser.

  6. #16
    Final Judgement

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    I looked up Falkes info he may be a he after all. As u all know supermutants don't breed they dip captives in goo (fev) The person who was in falkes cage was a women.

    The O.G.K. wants you! Fans of anime and manga unite. February 17, 2011 is Eternal Negi Fever Day! Sethrigal VI Reign commands you to celebrate that day!

  7. #17

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    So your saying that Fawkes was a woman, dipped in F.E.V, then put in the cell?

  8. #18
    Final Judgement

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    No, I mean the original occupant of the cell was a women, He could have been a captured person from the wasteland. I mean the other mercenary the one with the name in the cell down from Fawkes was captured and is going to be dipped in FEV. Until u intervene the mercenary is hostile to u so no praise for saving him. Back to Fawkes, the person Fawkes was is dead in a rhetorical sense. A new being thriving on the sole principle that Buddhism can protect the mind from reverting into a monster. Of course that example was provided by Uncle Leo, the only other friendly super mutant in the game. Leo is a devout Buddhist who I have only ran into once in the game. Buddhists have great mental control which would explain why he didn't change. Fawkes must have been extremely intelligent to seal of his own mind, hence he has no memory from before.

    The O.G.K. wants you! Fans of anime and manga unite. February 17, 2011 is Eternal Negi Fever Day! Sethrigal VI Reign commands you to celebrate that day!

  9. #19

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    Thats interesting. This game is awsome, so in depth.

  10. #20
    Final Judgement

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    Re: Fallout 3 Companions

    I am a person who look into such things because I have no life. However This game has the single best story since Mass Effect or Oblivion. The depth alone of such games can transcend their titles. And makes me the loney, yet deep person I am today.

    The O.G.K. wants you! Fans of anime and manga unite. February 17, 2011 is Eternal Negi Fever Day! Sethrigal VI Reign commands you to celebrate that day!

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