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Thread: How you got your PS3?

  1. #1
    How you got your PS3?

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    How you got your PS3?

    I got 2 of them, my dad found them in a house he had to knock down so he sold one and gave me the other one!

    Ant i special how did you get yours? xmas? bday?

  2. #2
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    My brother got me mines.
    (I asked him for it)
    PSP Firmware:
    PSP Slim (Silver) - 5.00 M33-6
    PSN ID:
    Gone, be back soon .

  3. #3

    Re: How you got your PS3?

    I Was Saving Up For MONTHS, Then, At Circuit City (An Electronics Store), They Were Selling All The Ps3's For $360 Since The Store Was Closing Down. I Had 300, And My Mom Paid The Other 60. Now, I Gotta Save Up For Goddam Games

  4. #4

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    i saved up my allowance for a long time and mowed lawns and washed cars ...
    my parents wouldnt buy me one ...
    but now my parents are starting to buy me some games:)
    i bought like 8 games with my money :mellow:
    Somebody Helps You, Always REP+

  5. #5
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    Saved up 350$, then bro paid for the rest on christmas
    Clan needed...... PM me with your ftb2 name and clan info

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    PM me with any code you want tested and ill have it done asap...

  6. #6
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    kool my bro got me my 360

    Add me on XBL to play GoW2 or Halo 3 or GTA IV

  7. #7
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    Quote Originally Posted by jJrOdiGy View Post
    i saved up my allowance for a long time and mowed lawns and washed cars ...
    my parents wouldnt buy me one ...
    but now my parents are starting to buy me some games:)
    i bought like 8 games with my money :mellow:
    allowance ur guys are lucky

  8. #8
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    My dad wanted a Blu-Ray Player, and I convinced him that the PS3 could be a gaming system, and internet browser, a media receiver, and a DVD player. He then bought the PS3 40 GB (or 60 idk what). Now I use it to play Socom and R6V2 whenever he's not on it, and my 360 isn't as apatising.

  9. #9
    Taste The Rainbow!

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    I scored mine for christmas, and got some awesome games, but all with my money...

    like cod and resistance and socom and...................... etc.
    if i helped u dont rep+ give me a Apple, Grapes are ok to GIVE ME ITEMS HERE!!!!!

  10. #10
    How you got your PS3?

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    Re: How you got your PS3?

    I got mine for my birthday. I had awesome grades so my parents thought it was a suitable reward.

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