can Killzone: Liberation be onlline play?
yes...yes it works online
Rep + IF I HELPED!!!
yep online is pretty nuts on KillZoNE
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
he gave rep + on something he could figure out by playing the game or googling i dislike useless post i wish i could delete this
this game it good online
its online BUT first u have to do 1 thing or 2 if u want it k go to download and download the update the update allows you to go online. and the 2nd download is chapter5. hope i helped :)
thanx, ive oalways wanted to playe it online
Oh how sad times these are... when people could just come up to you and call you a ******! this brings me back to the times of martin luther king...
anyways yeah i remember playing killzone liberation online for exactly 11 hours straight without using bathroom, breaks or even eating, oh lord have mercy i loved this game. But sadly hackers have come to this game. I mean its ok to hack make a private room or something.....
If you want to add me my PSN is De_La_Mara. I don't use my PSP anymore unless I want to hear music or watch videos and stuff. Make you choice.
No it cant. Actually I dont think there has ever even been a game called Killzone. Man get ur game names straight....
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]