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Thread: cod5 tanks

  1. #1
    cod5 tanks

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    cod5 tanks

    ok theres this missions on cod5 where ur ina tank...
    the problem is is that when i was in the tank my wii zapper was pointing the pointer everywhere even when im holding it sraight,is it just cause of the missions or what?

  2. #2
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    Move your controller / gun or what ever your using down and to the mid of the sensor.
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

  3. #3
    t3h n00b 34t4h

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    yah they made it like that just to make the level harder, or that you messed up you zapper

  4. #4
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    i have the sensor bar ontopa my TV and i have to stand up to even out the sensor and wii remote,even if its exactly level the pointer on the screen was going in every direction but it was fine for walking around

    ----Added 30/12/2008 at 6:19 PM----
    Quote Originally Posted by edavreda View Post
    yah they made it like that just to make the level harder, or that you messed up you zapper
    nothing will happen to the zapper,its just something to hold the nunchuck and remote easy for fps

  5. #5
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    try recalibrating? cause thats weird

  6. #6
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    idk i did get passed it but i had to stand at a precise distance or it was screwy,it worked after that thou so i guess it was just the mission

  7. #7
    CD's Retired GFx

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    yea.. i was gonna buy the zapper
    but all that turning... 8-(
    ima stick with the nunchuck and wii remote

    Nightmare Team Member

  8. #8
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks


  9. #9
    CD's Retired GFx

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    yea all the times you have to twist the zapper to perform various functions like reloading

    Nightmare Team Member

  10. #10
    cod5 tanks

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    Re: cod5 tanks

    Quote Originally Posted by The.Shadows View Post
    yea all the times you have to twist the zapper to perform various functions like reloading
    alpha layout,u only hit - to reload,no turning what so ever

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