CD Translating Group?

  1. AlienatedTailz
    I was thinking we could translate manga and anime. I've been learning Japanese from Namasensei and I'll be taking courses in my university soon. If we do end up translating manga, Codex could be a very important person to it since he's good with Photoshop. He would do the cleaning and typesets. I think CJ could do it as well so that Codex doesn't have all the work.

    So would you guys be down for translating mangas or/and animes? (Note: we may venture into 18+ stuff at times.)
  2. Sethrigal
    Yeah I'm all for it, I'm bummed I have no relevant skills :(
    That being said how do you want to translate them? Bleach in America is rather touchy feely on language as is Naruto and ect., the teams that translate raws are much better with translations not cutting language... to be honest that censorship pisses me off
  3. AlienatedTailz
    I'm not really looking into mainstream shit like Naruto, Bleach, etc. I was thinking we do little mangas and get our name out there. You know, so we get a better reputation so we can get big mangas that come out. Do you know how to read/understand Japanese to some extent, Seth?
  4. Sethrigal
    I understand not the mainstream I was referring to bullshit or censored translations, and I know a little kanji because I was practicing calligraphy in my spare time... as for speaking it I don't have a reliable dialect and was told I sound like a drunk when trying to speak Japanese
  5. AlienatedTailz
    You should watch these, this guy is really good. He's a bit insulting, but you'll learn your shit.
  6. Sethrigal
    Will do, I'd watch today but I got to write a thesis paper for tomorrow and I got 3 math quiz's I got to take before midnight... and the late assignment for my web class... I hate CSS... I really do...
  7. AlienatedTailz
    From what I've learned from Namasensei, I can read and understand some manga/anime without and subs or translations.
  8. CoDeX
    "In English we have five vowels: A, E, I, O, and FUCK U"

    Can this guy teach math?
  9. Sneaky Poptart
    Sneaky Poptart
    You could play a drinking game with the amount of times he says "Fuck" lol. But your right he does teach it nice and simple.
  10. Sethrigal
    I'm going to make an anime gaming drinking list... starting with every time Heero Huey fails to kill himself... after re-watching Wing I'm mildly scared I wanted to emulate that suicidal idiot, also for every gay moment Duo has... Qutre's doesn't want to kill anything, Wei Fu screaming, and Trowa having some memory loss... so yeah with in 3 or so episodes you'd die of alcohol poisoning
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