So if you own a PSP GO, you will be happy to know that PRO-B7 supports your system with Official 6.39 Firmware. Those of you with CFW or Homebrew enabled PSPs will be able to use ME-6 which is built off of M33's work. The PRO-B7 is a permanent HEN type of CFW, but it runs everytime you boot and it will work on ANY PSP model with Official Firmware 6.39. ME-6 requires CFW or Homebrew enabling in order to use. Personally I like ME-6, but I do like PRO-B7 on my PSP GO, I don't think it would feel right with ME-6 on my GO.
Anyway here's a quick guide with downloads. Everything you need including the 6.39 update is in the downloads I'll have a side by side comparison up shortly, so you can see which is be suited for you. We will start with ME-6 first.

Custom Firmware 6.39 ME-6
Custom Firmware or Homebrew Enabled PSP
PSP 1000 or 2000
Official Firmware 6.39 is required, but it's included

Terms to Know:
MS - Memory Stick
OFW - Official Firmware
CFW - Custom Firmware

  1. Download files HERE.
  2. Drag the PSP folder to the ROOT of your PSP MS.
  3. Run the PSP 6.39 Installer.
  4. It will unpack all the files and then go to the SCE Updater.
  5. Install the CFW and your all set!

Custom Firmware 6.39 PRO-B7
Official Firmware 6.39

Terms to Know:
MS - Memory Stick
OFW - Official Firmware
CFW - Custom Firmware


  1. Download files HERE.
  2. Drag the PSP folder to the ROOT of your PSP MS
  3. If you haven't already install 6.39 OFW. I've included the update in the package. Simply go to your MS under game and run the update.
  4. After the update run the PRO CFW and install the CFW.
  5. Now run CIPL.
  6. Lastly run Fast Recovery and your all set!

If you are VIP, download these files without waiting HERE.