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Thread: I am LEEF

  1. #1
    I am LEEF

    User Info Menu

    I am LEEF

    I just joined, i won't be on a lot. FTB2 h4x0r
    blow the universe into nothingness
    nuclear warfare shall lay us to rest

  2. #2
    I am LEEF

    User Info Menu

    Re: I am LEEF

    Hello, welcome to CD, please be sure to use spell check on all your posts to ensure all members can read it and fully understand it after only reading it once to ensure your questions/comments get a response in a timely manner. Also please be sure to visit my thread here: to ensure you don't piss us mods off by posting off topic stuff in the ftb2 codes section

  3. #3
    I am LEEF

    User Info Menu

    Re: I am LEEF

    You're LEEF? lol

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Re: I am LEEF

    Welcome to CD!

  5. #5
    I am LEEF

    User Info Menu

    Re: I am LEEF

    Welcome 2 ConsoleDiscussion

  6. #6
    I am LEEF

    User Info Menu

    Re: I am LEEF

    Welcome to Console Discussions!
    Download my toolbar pl0x!

    [Today 09:40 PM] SyKotik Cannon: agreed
    [Today 09:39 PM] PoopDeritis: YOU'RE GAY

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