Hi im new here. I found this website randomly while i was searching for a method to create the patch that were all looking for on FTB3. At the moment I have put 36 hours in trying to create the patch, with no success. I tried every common way we hackers know without any success. I have read the post pertaining to this matter. and believe me I understand all of your frustrations. What I believe since Now we must log in though the psnetwork the ID.Bin file were looking for is located in SYSDIR Folder. Since this is the only place on your Game File where you can find BIN.files. My assumption and its only a assumption is that the psid.bin file is the file called OPNSSMP.BIN FILE. NOW I HAVE TRIED TO CHANGE THE NAME OF THE FILE 2 UCUS-98716, AND THAT DID NOT WORK. I HAVE TRIED ALL THE METHODS MENTIONED HERE AND I HAVE TRIED SOME OF MY OLD TRICKS. With no success, i need a translater for the wierd language being used for these files. I AM No Noob Hacker. I have been hacking for over 4 years way back to the official CFW for psp. So I have good knowledge in many areas of ftb and its hacks and how to code ETC... If I find anything to fix the FTB3 problem I will post it unless im told not to. All im looking for is help with ideas on how to solve this riddle like the rest of you. I am a IT technician so I have some idea of how PSNetwork Works. I will keep you updated to my findings. So hello everyoone here at CD as my name says I am a FTBLOVER.