so um there is this thing called iDoser
from what i know it is signals that are sent to your brain that make you feel "high"
there are different types of iDoser drugs such as weed, acid, cocaine etc.
there are some that are suppose to make you like leave your body

how does it work?
well um... your suppose to lay down in a dark room ... lol ... and relax yourself then turn it on and kinda meditate i guess and then you will start feeling weird or "high"

you can search iDoser on youtube and all the "drugs" will show up

i was experimenting
and i tried marijuana...
and um... i actually listened to the damn thing for 10 minutes and like my nerves got numb like really numb for like 10 seconds haha
but idk ...
i think i did something wrong or idk

so... if you try iDoser tell me what happens to you:P
or tell me what you think about iDoser