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Thread: Dear hackers read this

  1. #71
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Quote Originally Posted by Xxxxqwerty View Post
    Dear fello hackers my name is kain_kunmana I am sick of this shit with the anti35 and crap but any way forget that if Socom thinks that they can threatin us hackers let's show these fucking panzies who boss I want to start a war with non hackers cause those are the basterds tht fucking rated us out so let's kick there ass today whoevers with me let's kick their ass so add me on socom and let's do this!!!!
    You have to remember not every one has hack's. Just think back when you didnt have any. So take it easy buddy!

  2. #72
    L33T Hacker

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    lol yeah!! At first I wish i could hack again, but then once i got it out of my system and started to pawn again, I started to hate hackers that come, hack, boot. But now that i get my codes again, im only going to use them if somebody glitches. LOL its going to be funny, somebody starts glitching i walk up and own them.

  3. #73
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Man if you guys dont stop hacking down there in america the terrorists are gonna fly a blimp into the empir state building!

  4. #74
    L33T Hacker

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    =p canadian?

  5. #75
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Yeah Im canadian, surprised? :D

  6. #76
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Wat the fuck is ur problem dude are u a frekin noob haker

  7. #77
    Å*ïMjJLÿ Th£ ßëâšT

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    this thread is stupid why would you have war with non-hackers?why are u so mad of them?did they own you?lol

  8. #78
    Dear hackers read this

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    Re: Dear hackers read this

    Watch ur Tone

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