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Thread: Would you like the old codes ban free?

  1. #21
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    Lmao yea tonic we want all of them!! Just kidding.

  2. #22

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    ONESHOTKILLDETECTOR!!!!!please.. and also Rapid fire..please dont do ptl its the hardest hack to detect and if its error free every one will be using it at wars.

  3. #23
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    everyone is saying they want non harmful codes. make every code error free, just give it to the people that deserve it, and if thats not me idc if u have the power to do something great, u shud go for it
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  4. #24
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    I'm pretty sure that if he can do each individual code, he's already got his little archive of codes that don't cause error anymore

  5. #25
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    i would like normal skywalk. if there is already one im just too lazy to look :P
    teehee worst sig eva

  6. #26
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    yea but that thing just screws with your screen.

  7. #27
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sniping.Prodigy View Post
    ONESHOTKILLDETECTOR!!!!!please.. and also Rapid fire..please dont do ptl its the hardest hack to detect and if its error free every one will be using it at wars.
    Rapid fire is already non ban and no 35.

  8. #28

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    i meant true rapid fire

  9. #29
    â€* Keep It Real â€*

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    i say a true vertical cliping
    If you fail to plan. Plan to fail.

  10. #30
    Would you like the old codes ban free?

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    Re: Would you like the old codes ban free?

    osk detector.
    thats the one and only code i want back.
    PSP 1001 firmware:5.50 GEN-D2
    PSP 2001 firmware:5.50 GEN-D2
    FTB2: Killer_Pirite
    Clan Leader of: [SkyHook] SkyHook
    Imposters: MountainDew frozenturkey Maj.FrozenTurkey
    if i helped you at all please REP+

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