Just wondering.
What does being banned on socom have to deal
with submitting gfx apps?
idk just saying :D
Just wondering.
What does being banned on socom have to deal
with submitting gfx apps?
idk just saying :D
I don't know.. Myabe the kidd was just looking for some help... And was REALLYYY new??
i kno rite i hate this bull.screw socom this is getting me mad and watnot....i hate it now. and i got ps3 WOOT WOOT im bouta am jus qiut socom 4sho
Fasho... But really.. Try resistance online.. or killzone 2 online.. They are really good great games.
kk ill will eventually wen i get money...lolol but i jus found out tht the error is a name bann wtf how gay but yea im done wit socom now.im bouta sell it
oh so its a name ban? i never knew that
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
yup it is...at least tht is wat i wuz tolld
It should just go away in a week or less...
If not then someone other than zipper banned you.
ya bro that error ment u got banned just coruppt psid
u got banned from dat account ramage dats why it say -953