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Thread: knife code

  1. #1
    knife code

    User Info Menu

    Question knife code

    i need help on the knife code.. evry time i turn it on every1 stays still thn wen i knife the person i turn the code off and every1 is still not moving.thn wen i press select my screen freezes not my psp just my screen.idk i need hlp possible for a good knife code i can use and no(35)plzzz

  2. #2
    knife code

    User Info Menu

    Re: knife code

    Turn the code on go behind someone knife them as soon as the animation of you knifing them starts turn the code off. If you leave the code on too long everyone leaves meaning you lagged out.
    Every man for himself. You trust no one but yourself, if you want something done you do it your self don't rely on others. You watch your own back, you fight your own fights its you against the world.

    Quote Originally Posted by Some phag
    -.BUS.-'s mommy says to Cannon, "I love you,
    I love you, I love you"
    The Cannon on the bus says, "I love you, too"
    All through the town.

  3. #3
    knife code

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    Re: knife code

    i just tried it again and i got (35) and booted like in 3 seconds after i did it.

  4. #4
    knife code

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    Re: knife code

    Quote Originally Posted by rampager45 View Post
    i just tried it again and i got (35) and booted like in 3 seconds after i did it.

    yeah i know what he is talking about cause kinda the same thing is happening i cant even knife it wnt show a animation i igued out what igotta do set hz 15/1000 or 31/1000

  5. #5
    knife code

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    Re: knife code

    been posted already
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  6. #6
    knife code

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    Re: knife code

    then get a new knife code maybe tht 1 just miss3d up

    ----Added 10/2/2009 at 5:20 PM----
    #No Restriction
    ;kill hackers
    0x005044d8 0x00000000
    0x005044d8 0x00000000
    0x005044d0 0x00000000
    0x00051c3c 0x03E00008
    0x0000dddc 0x03E00008
    0x008DD5F0 0xFFFFFFFF
    0x008F61A0 0xFFFFFFFF

    here maybe this works

  7. #7
    knife code

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    Re: knife code

    y not use bakonice its better

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