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Thread: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

  1. #141
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    thansk dude for the codes

  2. #142
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    does this keep you from getting banned or just booted

  3. #143
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    wait so this is like an anti-35 or does it stop you from being voted?

  4. #144
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    hmm.. this prx dosn't work anymore? I try to go in game when this code was on and prx was enabled i get dmsGameJoiningError...

  5. #145
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    So do you turn on the anti after you accept the terms?

  6. #146
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Wait so you put that code into the game.txt file, and put that attachment into your seplugins folder.
    Then turn the code on in the game and you wont get booted when someone tries to boot you.
    Is that right Johnny?

    Also-off topic...
    I have noticed that lately it says people are logging off, but they are still in the game with you and playing....Do you know what/why that is happening?
    Last edited by JasonEph; 09-06-2009 at 03:01 PM.

  7. #147
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    yeh i still get error 35

    i did everything u said

  8. #148
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    he said

    Be sure to add the PRX to you game.txt:

    And now ur Asking if ugot put Anything

  9. #149
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    Johnny, not to rain on your parade of a god. but i tried this out and i was reported cheating when i used this....did i do something wrong with installing this?

  10. #150
    Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    User Info Menu

    Re: Anti-Boot PRX 1.60

    hey iam guessing that this is a cheat that other player cant boot you from the lobby by voting u out .....but i really dont get how to use this cheat .... yeah i got nitepr ... other cheats work but how do u do this 1 ..its got a folder that u need to download ..and a prx and the code ...iam not sure how to use it ...or how to make it work ...plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me exactly how to use it ...thanks..

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