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Thread: Some codes i just found

  1. #1
    Some codes i just found

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    Some codes i just found

    #M67's Explode on Impact
    0x005F1754 0x2710FC18

    #HE's Explode on Impact
    0x005F192C 0x2710FC18

    #AN-M8's Do Not Explode
    0x005F1B04 0x2710FC18

    SILVER SOLDIER---------
    These two do not get you banned for about ten minutes. Just keep them off when you are not using them and you will never get banned from them.
    You can not shoot while using them because I hate noobs you are floating and killing at the same time.
    #Ledge Skywalker
    ;Hold square to skywalk
    ;The speed and direction you leave the ledge is how you will skywalk
    ;You can only hold square otherwise you fall
    ;Also a spiderman for slightly slanted walls (not all)
    0x00000004 0x0A5C1080
    0x00F04200 0x3C0808D6
    0x00F04204 0x3C0909A8
    0x00F04208 0x8D2AE1E4
    0x00F0420C 0x340B8000
    0x00F04210 0x3C0C436B
    0x00F04214 0x358C0000
    0x00F04218 0xAD0Cf5E0
    0x00F0421C 0x154B0005
    0x00F04224 0x3C0DB2A0
    0x00F04228 0x35AD0000
    0x00F0422C 0xAD0DF5E0
    0x00F04234 0x03E00008

    #Leap from Edge
    ;Hold square to leap
    ;Medium leap rating
    0x00000004 0x0A5C1080
    0x00F04200 0x3C0808D6
    0x00F04204 0x3C0909A8
    0x00F04208 0x8D2AE1E4
    0x00F0420C 0x340B8000
    0x00F04210 0x3C0C436B
    0x00F04214 0x358C0000
    0x00F04218 0xAD0Cf5E0
    0x00F0421C 0x154B0005
    0x00F04224 0x3C0DC2A0
    0x00F04228 0x35AD0000
    0x00F0422C 0xAD0DF5E0
    0x00F04234 0x03E00008

    thank Silver Solider
    Last edited by Scal24; 02-22-2009 at 09:00 PM.
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  2. #2
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    Nice, some of those have been posted, but the last 2 I've never seen before, I'm assuming they ban?

  3. #3
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    yea the last two ban

    well i was wrong kinda ty for the info scal
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  4. #4
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    yea no problem, ima just add it to your post and delete mine.

  5. #5
    Some codes i just found

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    Re: Some codes i just found

    ty lol
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  6. #6
    1337... not really

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    ahhh dang it i didnt know that the ledge skywalker banned.... someone should make it no ban cuz that one is the better kind of skywalker

  7. #7
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    dude it banns but thats only if u leave it on for a while
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
    Clan: [M87ELR]

  8. #8
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    ledge and leap are the sweetest codes ever holy shit.

  9. #9
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    sweet codes man keep it up^_^

  10. #10
    Some codes i just found

    User Info Menu

    Re: Some codes i just found

    dats not Silver Soldiers

    Hes taking credit

    I kno who made it

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