this is a VIP,or atleast there IS a VIP ban code,this should be deleted
looks like it will not work i will try it man
This piece of crap don't work. It just bans you instantly,and I'm glad it does. There would have been a bunch of noob hackers running around banning whole rooms
so...basically he tried to ban us?
LOL yea he tired to ban Us!! What a loser!
wow...nice attempt there...:)..but us hackers are do u think hackers hack without bein smart....durr! wat a loser haha!
wow man, your an idiot.....look at the adress!!
any one with a brain could have figured out that it looks fishy...that usally means some nub who thinks he can REALLY hack is gonna try to pull a fast one.
How about you make your own codes or write your own program prx nub cake.
****We can just unban ourselfs.****
who cares tho!!! yall be the ones that be so stupid to test them out like dummies!
the safe way is prolly not to put the code in your nitePR...thanks but i dont want a virus