Thank you ALMIGHTY GOD....
Thank you ALMIGHTY GOD....
Nice one johny i will do it to my noob cuzin nd my friend they r freakin anoyin
thanks johnny
Rep + IF I HELPED!!!
i think this prx is kinda noobish. its like worse than booting and blaklisting
Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
Clan: [M87ELR]
lol i remember this once
I modded it in 1.5 to Format the psp and leave nothing but a .txt file saying "LOL hopefully you backed your crap up" XD
i'm so mean -_-''
fyi people it does not fucking work duh
how do you rename a .prx? ima name it anti ban and give it to noob hackers that i meet on ftb2
such a ptless prx
If anyone other than Johnny had posted this you would all be like, "Fuck man don't release this shit, what are you thinking" but because it was Johnny you all tuck your tails, like a bunch of bitches and say Thanks.
y wouldnt this shit be release its a stupid prx. u have to put it into someones psp to make it do something