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Thread: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

  1. #1
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs


    This guide will help you with customizing 3.03 OE-C+. This is meant for the people who don't know what they are doing with flash(0), and to all who need a quick resource to check if they're doing everything right. This information can be found all over the depth's of the internet, I've just taken what I know, and centralized it. Please keep in mind that if you are going to be customizing your PSP, you will be accessing flash. Also, remember at all times that:
    I am not responsible if you damage or brick your PSP.

    Before modifying, be sure to back up everything to your computer.

    Now, that being said, on with the guide.

    Table of Contents
    I. Accessing and Using the Recovery Menu.
    • Accessing Recovery
    • Usage of Recovery
    • Flashing with Recovery
    II. Making Space in Flash(0)
    • Deleting the Japanese, Korean and Chinese fonts.
    • Disabling Network Update.
    • Disabling the Camera Plugin.
    • Disabling GPS
    III. Customizing 3.03OE and Up
    • Gameboots
    • XMB Waves
    • Volume Icons and Bars
    • Battery Icons
    • Menu Icons (Topmenu Icons)
    • Font
    • Backgrounds/Themes
    • Coldboots
    • Using Coldboot and Waves, while still keeping the PSX Emulator.
    • What can currently be edited, and what is it called?
    IV. Recovering your PSP
    • Recovering to an OE firmware.
    • Recovering your PSP back to your firmware.
    • Recovering to 1.5
    • Making a data.dxar on a semi-bricked PSP.
    I. Accessing and Using the Recovery Menu.
    • Accessing Recovery
    Step 1 - Completely power down the PSP.
    Step 2 - Turn the PSP back on, hold down the "R" Trigger. You should be at a turquoise screen. Congratulations, your at the Recovery Menu.
    • Usage of Recovery
    Recovery Menu Features

    Toggle USB
    This enables you to access your PSP's memory stick over the USB connection. Use this if you cannot enter the XMB.

    This enables you to configure some options in 3.03 OE-C. All settings are disabled by default.

    Skip SCE logo
    This disables the Sony Computer Entertainment logo from playing when power up the PSP.

    Hide corrupt icons
    This hides the corrupted icons generated by Kxploited homebrew (homebrew that comes in two folders). This can slightly slow down your GAME menu if you have a large amount of homebrew.

    Game folder homebrew (currently 3.03 Kernel)
    This lets you choose whether to load programs with the 3.03 kernel or the 1.50 kernel. it is strongly recommended to use the 1.50 kernel for Homebrew users.

    Autorun program at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP
    This will allow you to run the EBOOT located at /PSP/GAME/BOOT/EBOOT.PBP whenever your PSP starts up. This feature is used by some homebrew programs . Any eboot run in this way will run on the 1.50 kernel.

    Use NO-UMD Mode
    This will enable you to run backup games iso/cso from your memory stick without needing to have a UMD in the drive. Compatibility is somewhat low, Most of the games need a UMD in the drive.

    Fake region
    with this option you can set the psp region to Japan, USA, Europe or Korea. Setting the region to Japan enables you to visit a video download service (Portable player) through the Network section of the PSP's main interface, but it is impossible for people outside of Japan to download the videos .

    Free UMD Region
    This enables UMD movies and music to run region-free.

    This will recover your PSP if it has been semi-bricked.

    This enables you to configure some advanced options and mount your PSP's internal flash to your computer via USB. Messing with this without knowing what you're doing can result in a Semi-Brick or permanent brick.

    Advanced Configuration
    This enables you to configure advanced options.

    Plain modules in UMD/ISO
    This allows certain forms of unsigned code to be run from within an ISO. There aren't really any practical uses to this function, and it can make some UMDs and ISOs incompatible with your firmware. Developers can use this function to experiment with running homebrew from within an ISO.

    Execute BOOT.BIN in UMD/ISO
    This runs BOOT.BIN inside the ISO instead of EBOOT.BIN. Useless unless you're a developer experimenting with the Plain modules in UMD/ISO feature, you shouldn't use this feature; average users have no need to toggle this.

    Use isofs driver also in UMD-inserted mode
    Runs UMDs using the ISO driver. For non-developers, this will do nothing more than reduce compatibility.

    Toggle USB (flash 0)
    This enables you to access your PSP's internal flash 0 memory over the USB connection. Messing with these files can result in a brick; there is simply no reason for the average user to use this feature.

    Toggle USB (flash 1)
    This enables you to access your PSP's internal flash 1 memory over the USB connection. Messing with these files can result in your settings becoming corrupted.

    CPU Speed
    These settings enable you to change how fast the CPU runs in games and in the PSP's interface and web browser. Higher numbers will result in better performance at a cost of battery life.

    Speed in XMB
    This determines how fast the processor will run when it isn't playing games. If you browse the internet or watch movies, you might want to increase the speed.

    Speed in UMD/ISO
    This determines how well games will run. The higher the value, the higher the framerate. If you experience any slowdown in a game, increasing this number should eliminate it.

    You can use this menu to enable any PRX plugins that you've copied to your seplugins folder.

    Registry hacks
    These settings allow you to change a few registry-related settings in the firmware.

    Button Assign
    the X and O functionality seemed to be switched on the japanese version.
    This allows you to change circle or X as the enter button.

    Activate WMA
    Enable wma playback without network connection. Official 3.03 won't let you enable this without connection to Sony's servers using a wireless internet connection.(wifi)

    Activate Flash Player
    This allows you to activate the PSP's Flash Player. Official 3.03 won't let you enable this without connection to Sony's servers using a wireless internet connection.(wifi)

    To exit the Recovery Menu and restart the PSP.
    • Flashing with Recovery
    Step 1 - Get to the Recovery Menu and navigate to Advanced
    Step 2 - Insert USB Cable
    Step 3 - Toggle USB (flash 0)

    II. Making Space in Flash(0)
    This section will teach you how to delete some functionality of the PSP. I will only cover functions which are things that I personally have disabled, as they are pointless. If you want these features, do not delete them.
    • Deleting the Japanese, Korean and Chinese fonts.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>font and find ltn9.pgf.
    Step 2 - Copy ltn9.pgf to the desktop, twice.
    Step 3 - Rename one of the ltn9.pgf 's to jpn0.pgf. Paste it into the font folder, letting it overwrite the original.
    Step 4 - Rename the other copy to gb3s1518.bwfon. Paste it into the font folder, letting it overwrite the original.
    You've just added about 2.5 Mb more to flash(0). This is enough for most people.
    • Disabling Network Update.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>Noudle.
    Step 2 - Delete "update_plugin.prx"
    Step 3 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource.
    Step 4 - Delete "update_plugin.rco".
    • Disabling the Camera Plugin.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>Noudle.
    Step 2 - Delete "camera_plugin.prx"
    Step 3 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource.
    Step 4 - Delete "camera_plugin.rco"
    Step 5 - Go to flash(0)>kn.
    Step 6 - Delete "usbcam.prx"
    • Disabling GPS
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>kn.
    Step 2 - Delete "usbgps.prx"

    III. Customizing 3.03OE and Up
    • Gameboots
      This is the short video that you see when you load up an UMD, homebrew or anything except PSX games.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 2 - Paste the new gameboot.pmf in that folder. Make sure it's named "gameboot.pmf"
    • XMB Waves
      The waves that you see in the XMB when you don't have a background up.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 2 - Paste the new system_plugin_bg.rco into the folder, making sure that it's called "system_plugin_bg.rco"
    • Volume Icons and Bars
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 2 - Paste the new impose_plugin.rco into that folder. Make sure it's called "impose_plugin.rco"
    • Battery Icons
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 2 - Paste the new system_plugin_fg.rco into that folder. Make sure it's called "system_plugin_fg.rco"
    • Menu Icons (Topmenu Icons)
      These are the icons on the XMB. Note: You need to pay attention to your firmware. Using a 3.03OE-C top_menu, on a firmware higher than that WILL semi-brick your PSP. It's not a big deal though. The steps are the same for all firmwares, but the files are different.
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 2 - Paste the new topmenu_plugin.rco into that folder. Make sure the title is correct.
    • Font
    Step 1 - Go to flash(0)>font
    Step 2 - Replace ltn0.pgf with the new font of the same name.
    • Backgrounds/Themes
      Basically, there are two reasons why you might want to do this. If you have a custom gameboot, and you are displaying a background, then your gameboot has a chance of not displaying. Also, if you want a different color theme background (ie: black), but you also want to display your waves, you'll need to do this.
    Step 1 - Get yourself a modified 1-12.bmp, via either a user has posted one, or you've modified it, or use a theme pack.
    Step 2 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resources
    Step 3 - Paste the new 1-12.bmp into the folder. Make sure it's called "1-12.bmp"
    • Coldboots
      These are the the waves, the pictures and the sounds that you see when you hard reboot your PSP.
    Step 1 - Find an opening_plugin.rco file.
    Step 2 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>resource
    Step 3 - Paste your opening_plugin.rco into there, make sure that it is called "opening_plugin.rco"
    • Using Coldboot and Waves, while still keeping the PSX Emulator.
      If you insert custom waves (XMB or Coldboot) by default your PS1 games will not run, there is a way to fix this however. By patching your system with this method you will have two different different opening_plugin.rco's, one named opening_plugin.rco and another named 0pening_plugin.rco.
    Files needed for this:
    -Modified "opening_plugin.rco" (This is the custom one you found)
    -Untouched "opening_plugin.rco" (This is your original one.)
    -Untouched "game_plugin.prx" (This is also yours.)
    Step 1 - Change the untouched opening_plugin.rco to "0pening_plugin.rco" NOTE: 0 = Zero
    Step 2 - Go to flash0>vsh>resource. Put that in the file. You now have two opening_plugin.rco's in that folder, just one is named differently.
    Step 3 - Open your untouched game_plugin.prx with a hex editor and go to the offset : "1372C"
    Step 4 - Change "flash0:/vsh/resource/opening_plugin.rco" to "0pening_plugin.rco" and save. NOTE: just keep the whole path untouched and change the O to a Zero (0).
    Step 5 - Flash your newly modified game_plugin.prx to flash(0)>vsh>Nodule.

    There is another, easier way.
    This is for 3.03 OE-C
    Step 1 - Download the already edited pack here.
    Step 2 - Go to flash0>vsh>resource on your PSP. Put the 0pening_plugin.rco" into there.
    Step 3 - Open either "Debranded" or "Branded" Gameboot. A Debranded gameboot is one that doesn't show the SCE Logo, while the Branded one does.
    Step 4 - Go to flash(0)>vsh>Nodule. Paste the modified game_plugin.prx there.
    • What can currently be edited, and what is it called?
    Files found in flash0:/vsh/resource that can be edited.
    XMB Icons - topmenu_plugin.rco
    Backrounds - 01-12.bmp
    XMB waves - system_plugin_bg.rco
    Battery icons - system_plugin_fg.rco
    Volume bar - impose_plugin.rco
    Loading Icon - system_plugin_fg.rco
    In XMB sounds - system_plugins.rco
    Coldboot - opening_plugin.rco
    Gameboot - opening_plugin.rco and Gameboot.pmf
    Game Load/Corrupt Data Icon - Game_plugin.rco
    Photo Load/Corrupt Icon - Photo_plugin.rco
    Movie Load/Currupt Icon - msvideo_plugin.rco
    Savedata Load/Corrupt Icon - savedata_plugin.rco
    About This PSP - sysconf_plugin.rco
    Music Progress Bar - system_plugin.rco

    Files found in flash0:/font
    Font - ltn0.pgf
    IV. Recovering your PSP
    • Recovering to an OE firmware.
      To do this, you need to make a data.dxar. To make a data.dxar, see "Making a data.dxar on a semi-bricked PSP."
    Recovering to 3.40 OE-A
    Files needed for this
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode, and enable USB
    Step 2 - Open the and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Place the 3.40 OE-A data.dxar inside the recovery folder.
    Step 4 - Exit USB and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 5 - Once completed, you will have a fully working 3.40 OE-A PSP.

    Recovering to 3.10 OE-A
    Files needed for this
    - 310OE-A.rar
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode, and enable USB
    Step 2 - Open the 310OE-A.rar and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Place the 3.10 OE-A data.dxar inside the recovery folder
    Step 4 - Exit USB and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 5 - Once completed, you will have a fully working 3.10 OE-A PSP.

    Recovering to 3.03 OE-C
    Files needed for this - 303OE-C.rar
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode, and enable USB
    Step 2 - Open the 303OE-C.rar and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Place the 3.03 OE-C data.dxar inside the recovery folder
    Step 4 - Exit USB and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 5 - Once completed, you will have a fully working 3.03 OE-C PSP.
    • Recovering your PSP back to your firmware.
      [size=9]This is useful for a number of reasons. One would be that if you semi-bricked your customized PSP, you could easily replace the problem file with a working one, and be back to normal. Thus, keeping all your customizations. Another is that this is a fast process, and you don't have to install a new firmware, or go to 1.5 just to go back up to 3.XX OE.
    Using Recovery's USB flash.
    Files needed - Your backed up, working file.
    Step 1 - Enable USB flash(0)
    Step 2 - Replace the file that semi-bricked your PSP with the backed up, working file.
    Step 3 - Launch XMB, because that's it.

    Using PSP Filer
    I recommend that everyone does Steps 1-4, and keeps those folders in their MS just so that way they are already prepared.
    Files needed - Your backed up, working file.
    Step 1 (If you already have PSP Filer, skip to step 3) - Download and extract the latest PSP Filer.
    Step 2 - Open the 1.5 version.
    Step 3 - Rename the "filer" folder to "Recovery", and rename the "filer%" folder to "Recovery%"
    Step 4 - Put the "Recovery" and "Recovery%" folders into PSP>GAME
    Step 5 - Boot up Recovery mode on your PSP
    Step 6 - Enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 7 - Replace the file that semi-bricked your PSP with the backed up, working file.
    Step 8 - Launch XMB.
    • Recovering to 1.5
    Files needed for this - The pre-made recovery150.rar. Mirror
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode, and enable USB
    Step 2 - Open the recovery.rar and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Exit USB and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 4 - Once completed, you will have a fully working 1.5 PSP.

    • Making a data.dxar on a semi-bricked PSP.
    Making a 3.40 OE-A data.dxar
    Files needed
    -Recovery Folder
    -1.50 Update
    -3.40 Update
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode and enable USB.
    Step 2 - Open the and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Rename the 1.5 EBOOT to "150.PBP", and rename the 3.40 EBOOT to "340.PBP"
    Step 4 - Copy the 1.5 EBOOT renamed to "150.PBP" and the 3.40 EBOOT renamed to "340.PBP" to PSP>GAME>Recovery.
    Step 5 - Exit UBS and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 6 - Once completed, you will have your 3.40 OE-A data.dxar.

    Making a 3.10 OE-A data.dxar

    Files needed:
    -Recovery Folder
    -1.50 Update
    -3.10 Update
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode and enable USB.
    Step 2 - Open the and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Rename the 1.5 EBOOT to "150.PBP", and rename the 3.10 EBOOT to "310.PBP"
    Step 4 - Copy the 1.5 EBOOT renamed to "150.PBP" and the 3.10 EBOOT renamed to "310.PBP" to PSP>GAME>Recovery.
    Step 5 - Exit UBS and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 6 - Once completed, you will have your 3.10 OE-A data.dxar.

    Making a 3.03 OE-C data.dxar

    Files needed
    -Recovery Folder
    -1.50 Update
    -3.03 Update
    Step 1 - Boot into Recovery mode and enable USB.
    Step 2 - Open the and copy the recovery folder to PSP>GAME
    Step 3 - Rename the 1.5 EBOOT to "150.PBP", and rename the 3.03 EBOOT to "303.PBP"
    Step 4 - Copy the 1.5 EBOOT renamed to "150.PBP" and the 3.03 EBOOT renamed to "303.PBP" to PSP>GAME>Recovery.
    Step 5 - Exit USB and enable "Run program at /PSP/GAME/RECOVERY/EBOOT.PBP"
    Step 6 - Once completed, you will have your 3.03 OE-C data.dxar.

    Guide by: Pirate-M.Lifnen
    Also, I haven't updated this just yet. Because porting it was such a bi*ch.
    So, Pete, Andrew, feel free to update it and help it out. Just lemme know what you do.
    Also, there are a couple code glitches, but I don't even know if it's fixable.
    Thanks guys!
    PsP History
    pSp#I - 1.50\Kept Upgrading/3.03/1.50\3.03 oe - C/FullFuckinBrick:banghead:/Pandora:D\3.52 m33-4/3.80 m33-5

  2. #2
    Saucerful of Secrets

    User Info Menu

    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    Did you get permission from him? I know him I'll ask him if you did or not.
    Yeah, idiot.

    Led Zeppelin
    Adam Andersen likes his women how he likes black people. He doesn't like black people.

  3. #3
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    wow yeah and im pretty sure i posted something similar to this in XMB section
    its called RCO definitions.... much easier to read
    he has to like 1-up me on everything

    and i didnt just copy and paste like you
    Level 47

  4. #4
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    Just trying to help some people out it was very useful to me and i never saw your guide colin1
    PsP History
    pSp#I - 1.50\Kept Upgrading/3.03/1.50\3.03 oe - C/FullFuckinBrick:banghead:/Pandora:D\3.52 m33-4/3.80 m33-5

  5. #5
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs


    also people like it when things are short and to the chase
    Level 47

  6. #6
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    Quote Originally Posted by AdamAndersen View Post
    Did you get permission from him? I know him I'll ask him if you did or not.
    of course i did what do you think im stupid
    PsP History
    pSp#I - 1.50\Kept Upgrading/3.03/1.50\3.03 oe - C/FullFuckinBrick:banghead:/Pandora:D\3.52 m33-4/3.80 m33-5

  7. #7
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    isn't it short and to the point? Hmm.. you can recover to any firmware you want btw.
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  8. #8
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    how can i make my own for 3.80m33? can you tell me?

  9. #9
    Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

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    Re: Flash(0) Customization Guide for noobs

    WOW, Thats a lot of text! thanks anyways, very nice tutorial :)
    x- Latest -x
    Xbox Gamertag: GCookZ

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