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Thread: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

  1. #21
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    yo those pics look pretty cool
    Ftb2 name: _-CHRONiC-420-_
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  2. #22
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    Quote Originally Posted by 7h3.4v3nGeD.0n3 View Post
    i think i would like the bottom one more. a touch screen is not very good for really good gaming, unless the touch screen is sensitive enough. plus, touch screens are just wait too touchy. touch screens will never replace good ole analog sticks and buttons.

    What im looking for is a Hi-Def PSP. i think that would be more possible with the bottom one, because touch screens are just meh.
    dude its the same psp look at it it just opens noob

  3. #23
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    Yo this looks pretty cool^_^

  4. #24
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    omg thatss awesome psp

  5. #25
    The Destroyer

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    Ok if this comes out I'm trading my Psp slim in This is way to cool I hope they have better gfx on it though Their quality wasn't very good

  6. #26
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    it's just... wierd
    And the design isn't that cool though (It can be breaked easily)

  7. #27
    Ratatat FTW!

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    i dont see the pics...

  8. #28
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    that would be so sick if they did make it with pull out analogs and buttons and stuff ^.^
    teehee worst sig eva

  9. #29
    PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    This has to be fake. Why would Sony in their right mind put the analog sticks above the buttons.

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  10. #30
    â€* Keep It Real â€*

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    Re: PSP-4000 in 2009 and PSP2 later?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyMcKinney View Post
    This has to be fake. Why would Sony in their right mind put the analog sticks above the buttons.
    yeah no kidding that would be gay
    If you fail to plan. Plan to fail.

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