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Thread: Boot PRX

  1. #111
    clinically enhanced!

    User Info Menu

    Re: Boot PRX

    whatever. ftb2 is dead now with resistance retribution out now, so who cares dude. get over it. people will disappoint you in this life, but you have to keep doing what you're best at, coding and making great things like this. c'mon, how else are you going to get people to get to buy VIP any more if you don't make amazing stuff like this?
    FTB2 name: SINister-snipes
    Resistance: Retribution name: SINister-snipes-

  2. #112
    Boot PRX

    User Info Menu

    Re: Boot PRX

    cant figure out why, but it is giving me the 35 error and booting me out instead, and leaving the victim please

  3. #113
    Boot PRX

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    Re: Boot PRX

    Quote Originally Posted by 1994300ex View Post
    cant figure out why, but it is giving me the 35 error and booting me out instead, and leaving the victim please
    You're holding the buttons down too long. As stated in the first post, if the buttons are held for more than 5 seconds, the PRX will become visible to the anti-cheat.
    Coding again.

  4. #114
    Boot PRX

    User Info Menu

    Re: Boot PRX

    u had to leak it right u fagz! lol

  5. #115
    Boot PRX

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    Re: Boot PRX

    i think it should be 2 or even 1 complaints when it comes to leaking vip stuff and than you ban there IP

    Jack Bauer makes Chuck Norris CRY!!!!

  6. #116
    Boot PRX

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    Re: Boot PRX

    But you can dodge ip bans easy

  7. #117
    270-Front Board-270 Out

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    Re: Boot PRX

    i know, all you have to do is either when they tell you, you are going to get ip banned just logg of of that name and make another one. or get a program that hide your real external ip and makes a spoof appear to the server.
    Wacky Waving Inflatable
    Arm Flailing Tube Man

  8. #118
    Boot PRX

    User Info Menu

    Re: Boot PRX

    ya thats wat i do and i never get banned

  9. #119
    Boot PRX

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    Re: Boot PRX

    When I turn on the code and press and hold [] and triangle nothing hapens? plz reply

  10. #120
    Boot PRX

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    Re: Boot PRX

    does it cause 35

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